How Does The Medical Brush Manufacturer AOQUN Guarantee The Safety Of Employees During New Pneumonia

How Does The Medical Brush Manufacturer AOQUN Guarantee The Safety Of Employees During New Pneumonia

3rd Floor, AB Building, No. 333 South Panyu Avenue, Dongchong Town – 广州 – 中国,广东020-84858360Facebook
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广州 (中国,广东) - 安第斯共同体 (美国块)广州 (中国,广东) - 哈瓦那 (古巴)

Since February 10, various places have been pressing the return to work key. It is a great honor for medical brush manufacturer Aoqun to become one of the first companies to apply for resumption of work. Protecting the safety of employees is one of the most important tasks of the company. Medical brush manufacturer Aoqun, as a professional manufacturer of endoscope cleaning brushes, how did it take to ensure the safety of employees?

Prior to the resumption of work, medical brush manufacturer Aoqun legally purchased high-quality medical-grade masks and precision thermometers and other supplies from Switzerland, Japan, and South Korea through regular channels. On the day of resumption of work, it was distributed to the family of medical brush manufacturer Aoqun; the company’s logistics staff was also equipped with a 360 ° sealed silicone mask, which greatly protected the safety of employees. Before entering the company, spray alcohol on the hands and soles, and take body temperature; there are prescribed ventilation periods in the office and other areas. The safety of employees has been ensured, and the stability of the production capacity of endoscope cleaning brushes has been ensured, giving domestic and foreign customers a peace of mind.

We will strengthen our confidence and enthusiasm, and do not relax to do the key work of new pneumonia prevention and control. At the same time, we also actively provide customers with high-quality endoscope cleaning brushes that meet or exceed customer requirements.


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How Does The Medical Brush Manufacturer AOQUN Guarantee The Safety Of Employees During New Pneumonia